
  • Remote call center software in cloud

    Cloud call center software brings significant benefits to managing entire sales and customer service teams. In addition, through remote software in cloud, it is also possible to carry out advanced analyses of call center operators, track calls, and record them automatically.

    Therefore, a very good solution to manage remote work.

  • Template for Magento

    Magento is among the most used CMS (Content Management System) for the creation and management of eCommerce sites. In fact, with Magento, it is possible to create professional and highly customizable eCommerce sites as it uses numerous features, as well as presents a variety of templates, or graphic themes, developed to meet any kind of need.

  • Template for Prestashop

    PrestaShop is one of the most widespread open source CMS (Content Management System) used for the creation and management of eCommerce sites, which is due to the many advantages that the software offers in terms of ease of use and implementation of functionality. additional at any time thanks to so-called modules or plugins.

  • Template for Shopify

    Template for Shopify

    Shopify è una tra le piattaforme più conosciute e utilizzate per la creazione di siti eCommerce. La sua popolarità è dovuta a una serie di vantaggi di cui la piattaforma dispone, tra cui la sua semplicità d’uso che non richiede specifiche competenze tecniche per avviare un sito eCommerce in poco tempo, unitamente alla sicurezza e al costante aggiornamento automatico dei server che Shopify garantisce.

    Shopify è quindi un’ottima soluzione per le aziende di piccole e medie dimensioni che desiderano avviare un eCommerce in poco tempo e a costi contenuti, ma allo stesso tempo in modo efficiente e professionale.

  • Template for WooCommerce

    Among the various alternatives, WordPress is one of the best-known and used CMS (Content Management System) not only for the creation of websites but also for the creation of eCommerce with the implementation of the WooCommerce plugin. The latter, in fact, is characterized by its ease of use which makes it ideal even for the less experienced in the sector.

  • What is affiliate marketing and how it works

    What is affiliate marketing and how it works

    Affiliate marketing is one of the digital marketing strategies based solely on sales performance, the ultimate goal of which is to generate a significant increase in online traffic and sales.

    In short, by implementing an affiliate marketing strategy, a company can sell its products or services through third parties who will take care of the promotion and sale in exchange for a percentage established in advance. This percentage usually is between 5% and 20% depending on the sector and based on what the company itself decides.

  • Why you should use affiliates to launch a new product or service

    Creating an affiliate program to promote products and services is a strategy that brings significant benefits at very low costs, both in terms of promoting and launching a new product or service.

    Yet, affiliate marketing is a very often underestimated strategy because the benefits are not known.

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