A must-do choice is to find a good CRM. Choice not so immediate and easy but here is some help from us.
What is a CRM for?
Tracking and analyzing the data of the customers, potential or already acquired, is one of the main strategies behind the business of most companies. Implementing your business based on an efficient acquisition and analysis of your customers' data is, in fact, an excellent way to increase sales, strengthen or redefine new marketing strategies based on the data obtained, as well as increase and maintain over time the customer relations.
However, organizing all this without a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) service is very difficult, as well as requiring a great deal of time. On the contrary, using a CRM service correctly is the best way to manage all the aspects listed above in a single online platform, bringing enormous advantages in the management of customers and related data and, more generally, in implementing an ad hoc marketing strategy.
ClickUp, the best online CRM service: features and benefits
What better online CRM service than ClickUp?
ClickUp is a highly customizable online platform, available in both free and paid versions, useful both for optimizing productivity in the company, through collaboration and reporting features and for simplifying the management and growth of customer relationships. Features such as visualization, monitoring and analysis of data and much more, are possible on ClickUp in a simple and fast way.
The main features of ClickUp are:

Display of customers and orders in a single space, through which it is possible to create tables for entering data
Analyze data in order to obtain and make the most of information on customers or potential leads

Creating a database to store, analyze and import any type of information, manage documents and so on will depend on the specific needs of the template
One of the most important features of ClickUp is the ability to integrate other tools, such as Google Drive, Google Calendar, GitHub, OneDrive, Zoom and many others such as even Alexa, for a better management of everyday work.
Moreover, as already mentioned previously, ClickUp is not only a very useful service to better manage customer relations, but it is also a Project Management tool as it also provides communication and collaboration tools to simplify and optimize the internal company organization (create and assign tasks and projects, plan ideas and activities through maps, measure objectives, general reports and much more).